Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month

APRIL is Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month
During April, the Sexual Assault and Violence Education (SAVE) Team will hold events focused on sexual assault awareness and how we can prevent it on our campus. We’ll help YOU be an empowered Zip and show that at UA, we do not tolerate sexual assault. We also want you to know that if you have been impacted by sexual assault, there are resources on campus to support you.
Sexual assault is defined as forcible and non-forcible sex offenses and includes rape, sexual assault with an object, fondling, incest, statutory rape, non-consensual sexual contact and non-consensual sexual intercourse. To see more detailed definitions, visit Title IX Definitions.
"We need to keep saying to anyone out there who has ever been assaulted: you are not alone. We have your back. I've got your back."
— President Barack Obama
Join the movement with #ZipsTakeaStand on Twitter and Instagram.
- See our full list of events occurring throughout April.
- If you would like to get involved and help with any of our activities, please contact: or
The University of Akron is committed to promoting a safe and non-discriminatory environment, which includes prohibiting sexual assault. If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual assault, you can make a referral to the Gender-Based Misconduct and Title IX team.
Several confidential resources: Available on and off campus in this extensive list.
Counseling and Testing Center
Free and confidential psychological services for current students.
- Call 330-972-7082 to schedule a virtual appointment.
Hope and Healing Resource Center: Rape Crisis Center
Trauma-informed advocates provide confidential counseling, advocacy, and support groups to students 24/7. They also provide emergency rehousing services for those with immediate safety concerns.
- Call 330-434-7273 anytime
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)
Free and confidential 24/7 national crisis hotline. A live chat function is also available on the website for those uncomfortable with calling.
- Call 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) anytime
Be an emPOWERed Zip
We want to provide you with the proper tools so you can help prevent your fellow Zips from experiencing sexual assault, as well as how to provide support if someone has been affected by this crime.
What is an emPOWERed Zip?
An emPOWERed Zip is one who recognizes the POWER they have to make campus a safer place for all fellow students, faculty, and staff by becoming aware of the problem, adjusting how they view the problem and the culture surrounding it, and taking action through advocacy by acting as an active bystander. Here are some ways to be an active bystander:
- Ask the potential victim if they are okay
- Tell the potential perpetrator that what they’re doing is problematic
- Focus on defusing the situation
- Spill a drink, start a dance-off, tell someone their car alarm is going off, etc.
- Gather a team of people to have your back
- Call in someone who may be better equipped to handle the situation
- You could ask a friend, UAPD, or a bartender for assistance/li>
We want everyone to try to prevent these things from happening, but unfortunately, they still might. An emPOWERed Zip will support someone who discloses that they are a victim of sexual violence. Here are some simple things to say or not to say to provide the best support possible:
Helpful |
Harmful |
Letting them share as much or as little as they want |
Asking probing questions to get more detail |
Allowing them to guide the healing process |
Offering unsolicited advice about what to do |
Believing the experience they are sharing with you |
Victim blaming or not believing that they went through this experience |
Practicing self-care after providing support |
Focusing only on the needs of the person disclosing |
For more information on how you can make a difference in ending sexual assault on our campus, visit the SAVE Team Webpage, and our printable toolkit provides information on the gender based misconduct process, supporting respondents and witnesses, how to be an active bystander, and how to create a culture of respect at the University of Akron.
For any questions regarding Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Awareness Month
Contact Assistant Dean of Students Dr. Bryan Robinson at or at 330-972-7266
See events Visit S.A.V.E. homepage Campus & Title IX resources