Subject Code Transition Search Tool

Enter your search keyword(s), choose a filter, and then click Go. You can filter by old course number (e.g., 3450:221 or just 3450), new course number (ACCT 201 or ACCT), or course title (Medical Terminology or just Medical).

Total results: 6060
# Old Course # New Course # Course Title
541 3006:680 ILSD 680 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Life-Span Development & Gerontology
542 3006:685 ILSD 685 Special Topics: Life-Span Development & Gerontology
543 3006:686 ILSD 686 Retirement Specialist
544 3006:690 ILSD 690 Workshop: Life-Span Development & Gerontology
545 3006:695 ILSD 695 Practicum in Life-Span Development & Gerontology
546 3030:31 ELI 31 ELI Written Expression
547 3030:32 ELI 32 ELI Reading Comprehension
548 3030:33 ELI 33 ELI Grammar and Oral Communication
549 3030:34 ELI 34 ELI Listening Comprehension
550 3030:41 ELI 41 ESL Writing: Developing Writing Proficiency
551 3030:42 ELI 42 ESL Reading: Developing Reading Proficiency
552 3030:43 ELI 43 ESL Grammar: Developing Oral Proficiency
553 3030:44 ELI 44 ESL Listening: Developing Aural Proficiency
554 3030:45 ELI 45 ESL Speaking: Developing Speakng Proficiency
555 3030:51 ELI 51 ESL Writing and Study Skills
556 3030:52 ELI 52 ESL Reading and Study Skills
557 3030:53 ELI 53 ESL Grammar and Speaking Skills
558 3030:54 ELI 54 ESL Listening and Study Skills
559 3030:96 ELI 96 ELI Workshop
560 3030:99 ELI 99 ELI Independent Study