March 8, 2025
The Eastern Regional has been moved to Rocky River with Mariah Lesar as the tournament director.
We look forward to seeing you in Akron for the 2026 Regional Tournament.
Updated 01/10/25
NOTE: We will be making assorted changes/updates to this page to fully integrate the new scoring system into the page.
Thank you for Supervising an event (or 2 or 3!) for the Akron Regional Science Olympiad! Here are some helpful links:
Supervisor Event Day Instructions [PDF] - Posted 01/10/2025
Event Supervisors and Supervisors-in-Training Sign Up:
If you wish to offer your services as an event supervisor, please let us know by visiting this link: NOTE: There is a significant time commitment for Event Supervisors, but we'll provide support.
Please take a few minutes to complete the online supervisor training module found here:
Event Clarifications and FAQ's
Please check event clarifications and FAQ's frequently
For very important documents, including scoring sheets and scoring guidelines, please login to your supervisor account here:
Supplies/materials lists for events
Link to supplies/materials lists for events - double check your list to the Nationals list
Ohio State's Supervisor pages – great stuff:
National Site Supervisor Training Pages for Specific Events – more great stuff: (Scroll about half-way down the page)
When Parents Get Involved: (PARENTS SHOULD NOT GET INVOLVED) - Please read.
VERY helpful information from the OSU State Tournament pages: (please check this out)
Event Scoring Sheets - You are encouraged to sign in and try the online scoring systems here:
Also, supervisors can visit: to get checklists - Printed out checklists will also be included in the supervisor packets at registration.
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Please contact us at for more information.