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Akron Global Polymer Academy Lesson Plans

What Happens to the Heat?

Grades: Middle School - Grade 7
Author: Charles Miller
Source: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EEC-1161732. Aerogel Technologies, LLC - Aerogel Superinsulation Blowtorch Demo: Hershey's Kiss American Chemical Society - Middle School Chemistry (This lesson provides a procedure to examine heat transfer using metal washers and water). Nuffield Foundation - Thermal Chemistry of Water The Concord Consortium - Molecular Workbench


Students will initially visualize the concepts of conduction and insulation through a discrepant event demonstration where materials are heated at high temperatures to show that certain materials will heat up more quickly than others. Afterwards, students will investigate these same concepts using round washers made of different materials to quantify energy transfer through temperature changes. Students will then participate in an interactive activity to define random motion, absolute zero, heat conduction, heat conductor, thermal equilibrium, closed systems, thermal radiation, and photons as well as develop a strong understanding of thermal energy transfer through conduction and radiation. Finally, students will design and create a device to reduce or increase thermal conduction and measure temperature change between real objects as a culminating activity.


What should students know as a result of this lesson?

What should the students be able to do as a result of this lesson?




Students should sit at their desks or at a safe distance from the demonstration table (in a well-ventilated area) or fume hood during this teacher demonstration. Reducing the light in the room may increase interest as some materials will emit light as they burn. This demonstration is best performed in a fume hood or in a large room, when available. If you do not have the facilities for this demonstration, as a discrepant event alternative, you may wish to show the following video produced by Aerogel Technologies, LLC - Aerogel Superinsulation Blowtorch Demo: Hershey's Kiss.

Teacher Preparation


Expected Outcome

Students should notice that the wooden plate and Hershey Kiss� are completely burned, the metal plate is mostly undamaged, however, the Hershey Kiss� is completely melted, and the Aerogel and the Hershey Kiss� are both basically undamaged.

Assessment: Students should complete the demonstration handout with their initial predictions, observations, and final drawings.


Teacher Preparation

  1. Use a 10" string to tie 3 washers together for each type of material. Each group of students will need two sets of each material, one as a control and one as a test material. (Note - some washers will also need a weight to hold them under water due to low density. A common 1/4 - 3/8 oz. split shot fishing weight should hold a washer under water.
  2. Hang one set of washers for each group, in advance, in hot water on a hot plate or in a coffee maker/hot pot so that the washers can get hot. These washers will need to remain hot until the second half of the activity. Make sure to put lids on the Styrofoam cups to keep the temperature of the water/materials as high as possible.
  3. The other set should be left at room-temperature and may be distributed to students along with the materials for the activity.
  4. Before starting the activity, pour about 100 milliliters (3.5 tablespoons) of hot water (70 �C) into a Styrofoam cup for each group. Be sure to pour one cup of hot water for you to use as a control.

At the beginning of the laboratory tell students that they are going to measure the change in temperature of hot water as a result of placing room-temperature washers of various types into it. They will do this at least three different times. The only way to tell if the washers cause the temperature to change is to have a cup of hot water without washers. Explain that you will have this cup of hot water, which will be the control.

You will need to place your thermometer in the cup of hot water at the same time the as the students. Have students record the initial temperature of the control in their charts on the activity sheet, along with the initial temperature of their own cup of hot water. The temperature of the two samples should be about the same.

Expected Results

The temperature of the water will decrease for the metals, and the mica. The temperature of the polyurethane should stay mostly. The temperature of the washers will increase a bit for the metal and ceramics and remain mostly unchanged for polyurethane. The amount of temperature decrease is important for students to differentiate between conductivity of substances.

Assessment: Students should complete the laboratory handout as an assessment.


Students will develop vocabulary and concept understanding of conduction and radiation of thermal energy between materials using a

The Molecular Workbench, produced by the Concord Consortium, is an award winning interactive website that allows students to study concepts in physics and chemistry. Each series of activities has embedded assessments that can be printed out at the end of the activity by each student.

You must have Java to run the applets for these activities. Applets run on Mac, Windows, and Linux computer platforms.

Assessment: Students should complete questions during the activity and print out the final document as the assessment.


Students will participate in a project-based activity where they will be required to create a model or poster that explains the conduction of heat between two or more objects. Each model or poster must identify the materials, the transfer of heat through conduction, and explain the movement of energy through the model. Each project will be graded using a rubric.


Students should know the following:

Best Teaching Practices

Alignment with Standards

NGSS Standards:

Common Core Standards:

Ohio Standards:

Content Knowledge



Common knowledge used in everyday life to heat anything using contact with other warmer objects.


This lesson was designed to incorporate the Learning Cycle. Student Assessment is embedded in the four major components of the lesson.

Other Considerations

Grouping Suggestions: Students should be placed in groups of four. The teacher may wish to give group members specific "jobs" to enhance group interaction.

Pacing/Suggested Time: Engagement: 20 minutes; Exploration: 60 - 90 minutes depending on the number of materials studied; Explanation: 45 - 60 minutes; Elaboration: 90 - 120 minutes (Homework assignment may be given if more time is needed.); Total time: 125-260 minutes.

Printable PDF Worksheets

What Happens to the Heat? Demonstration Sheet

What Happens to the Heat? Laboratory Sheet