Our Faculty & Staff

Lubica Alabakovska
Title: Manager of Polymer Testing
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4210
Email: la32@uakron.edu

Dr. Henry Astley

Dr. Henry Astley
Title: Assistant Professor of Biology and Polymer Science; BRIC Core Faculty
Dept/Program: Biology
Phone: 330-972-8192
Fax: 330-972-5290
Email: hastley@uakron.edu

Dr. Christopher Barney

Dr. Christopher Barney
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4297
Email: barneyc@uakron.edu

Dr. Jessi Baughman

Dr. Jessi Baughman
Title: Manager, Magnetic Resonance Center
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6971
Email: jab218@uakron.edu

Dr. Kevin Cavicchi

Dr. Kevin Cavicchi
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-8368
Fax: 330-972-3406
Email: kac58@uakron.edu

Dr. Steven S.C. Chuang

Dr. Steven S.C. Chuang
Title: Professor, SPSPE; Adjunct Faculty, CBCE
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6993
Fax: 330-972-5290
Email: schuang@uakron.edu

Dr. Ali Dhinojwala

Dr. Ali Dhinojwala
Title: W. Gerald Austen Endowed Chair and H.A. Morton Professor
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-6246
Fax: 330-972-5290
Email: ali4@uakron.edu

Dr. James Eagan

Dr. James Eagan
Title: Assistant Professor
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7510
Fax: 330-972-5290
Email: eagan@uakron.edu

Dr. Mark D. Foster

Dr. Mark D. Foster
Title: Thomas A. Knowles Professor
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-5323
Fax: 330-972-5290
Email: mdf1@uakron.edu

Jack Gillespie
Title: Lab Glassblower
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7369
Email: jackgil@uakron.edu

Dr. Xiong Gong

Dr. Xiong Gong
Title: Professor
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, and Department of Chemical, Biomolecular and Corrosion Engineering
Phone: 330-972-4983
Fax: 330-972-3406
Email: xgong@uakron.edu

Jon Hawkins
Title: Manager of Facilities
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-2671
Email: hawkinj@uakron.edu

Emily Hughes
Title: Administrative Coordinator, Polymers & Research
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7500
Email: efh11@uakron.edu

Dr. Sadhan C. Jana

Dr. Sadhan C. Jana
Title: BF Goodrich Professor
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-8293
Fax: 330-972-3406
Email: janas@uakron.edu

Dr. Li Jia

Dr. Li Jia
Title: Professor of Polymer Science and Chemistry
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-7511
Fax: 330-972-5290
Email: ljia@uakron.edu

Dr. Fardin Khabaz

Dr. Fardin Khabaz
Title: Assistant Professor of Polymer Engineering and Chemical, Biomolecular & Corrosion Engineering
Dept/Program: School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
Phone: 330-972-5410
Fax: 330-972-3406
Email: fkhabaz@uakron.edu

Total results: 34