Jomin Thomas
Congratulations to Jomin Thomas (advisor Dr. Mark Soucek) who was recently awarded scholarships from both the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) and the Ohio Soybean Council Foundation:
Award: Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Polymer Modifiers and Additives Division (PMAD) Student Essay Award
Amount: $1,000
Award: Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Foundation Automotive & Composites Division ACCE Scholarship
Amount: $2,000
Award: Ohio Soybean Council Foundation Scholarship 2021
Amount: $2,500
Biography & Research:
Jomin Thomas is originally from Kerala, India. He graduated with a Bachelor of Technology in chemical engineering from Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, India. His passion for polymers research started during his internship in multiple plastics companies in India and Saudi Arabia. In 2018, He graduated with a Master of Technology in polymer technology from Cochin University of Science and Technology, India. During the final year of his master's, he was an intern in India’s top paint and coating manufacturer, Asian Paints Limited. After graduation, he was absorbed into the company as a full-time researcher in the Research and Development center working on sustainable raw material synthesis for coating materials. Currently he is pursuing his doctoral degree in Polymer Engineering as a member of Dr. Mark D. Soucek’s Research Group at The University of Akron. Outside his studies and research, Jomin served as the Secretary for the Polymer Student Organization (PSO) from 2020 to 2021.
Jomin’s research consists of utilizing functionalized natural plant oil derivatives and modifying them to address the requirements of environmentally benign coatings and light, sustainable composites. His research uses the norbornylization technique and explores novel applications for the much reactive norbornylized plant oil-based systems. The overall aim of his research work is the implementation of functional oil and their derivatives in conventional coating and composite applications, as an alternative to petroleum-derived counter parts. In terms of composites, development of bio-sourced polymer matrix coupled with bio-mass derived fillers will help bring green products into the marketplace. There is a huge potential to meet the increasing demand for sustainable lightweight material, with superior performance and lesser carbon footprint.
Congratulations Jomin!!