Hadi Ramezani-Dakhel Wins Outstanding Student Research Award


Mr. Hadi Ramezani-Dakhel, a doctoral student studying with Dr. Hendrik Heinz, was selected to receive the Outstanding Student Research Award at The University of Akron Student Innovation Symposium (UASIS) held on April 10, 2014. The Outstanding Student Research Award is given to an individual whose research endeavor is judged to be an outstanding contribution to his/her field of study. Criteria for the award include that the research pose an important question, demonstrate strong theoretical rationale, utilize systematic methods, is publishable in a top journal, has a well-written summary, and contributes to developmental science and theory. A strong letter of support from the research advisor is also necessary for consideration.

The award recipient must have completed his or her research as part of a University of Akron program of study and the presentation of the work must have taken place during the current or prior calendar year of the award. The recipient is chosen by a committee of faculty members and receives a plaque and $500 cash award.

UASIS is a forum for graduate and undergraduate students to present their research, and for community and industry leaders to hear and discuss creative and scholarly work with faculty and administration. The symposium is a joint effort established by The University of Akron Graduate School, the Office of Research Services and Sponsored Programs, the Office of Technology Transfer, and the Office of the Vice President for Research. This annual showcase of student achievement hosts over 300 participants from various disciplines such as the arts, business, education, engineering, humanities, mathematics, nursing, physical and life sciences, and social sciences.