Cyber-Security, Data Analytics & Human-Machine Interface

Cybersecurity, Data Analytics & Human-Machine Interface

Our focus on cybersecurity, data analytics and human M/C interface includes research in wireless communication and networks security, security of vehicular and transportation networks, privacy and trust in distributed systems, cybersecurity for IoT applications, cyber-defense, artificial intelligence and machine learning; data mining and analytics for engineering applications; predictive modeling and analytics; human-machine interaction, penetration testing (pen testing/ethical hacking), and cybersecurity education.

Ohio Cyber Range Institute

UA was named an Ohio Cyber Range Institute Regional Programming Center (OCRI-RPC), an initiative developed by the Ohio Cyber Collaboration Committee (OC3) of more than 200 people who represent public, private, military and educational organizations. Among its capabilities, the range is a virtual space for conducting exercises and competitions to improve emergency cyber incident response capabilities and to develop future cybersecurity professionals.


Dr. Ajay Mahajan
Associate Dean for Research & Industrial Engagement

Phone: 330-972-6033