Cyber-Security, Data Analytics & Human-Machine Interface

Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and Human-Machine Interface

Wireless communication and network security, transportation security, privacy and trust in distributed systems, cybersecurity for IoT applications, cyber-defense, artificial intelligence and machine learning, data mining and analytics for engineering applications, predictive modeling and analytics, human-machine interaction, penetration testing (pen testing/ethical hacking), cybersecurity education.

Center for Advanced Vehicles and Energy Systems (CAVES)

Director: Dr. Yilmaz Sozer

The mission of The Center for Advanced Vehicles and Energy Systems is to be a leader in the creation of sustainable and clean energy sources, and to facilitate the adoption of these technologies. Specific expertise can be found in the areas of power electronics, charging stations, battery management, bidirectional grid-interfaces, motor design, motor drives, hybrid and electric vehicles, wind turbines, solar energy, fuel cells, energy harvesting, control systems, and wireless embedded networked sensor design.


Dr. Ajay Mahajan
Associate Dean for Research & Industrial Engagement

Phone: 330-972-6033