Athletic Bands
Ohio's Pride - Marching Band
The University of Akron Marching Band “Ohio’s Pride” serves as the musical representative of UA spirit for home and at select away Zips football games. The 200-plus member band combines exciting musical arrangements, contemporary show design and outstanding visual routines into a truly spectacular pre-game and half-time performance.
Membership is open to all majors and students (including Wayne Campus). There is no audition for wind players (woodwind and brass) and auditions for the colorguard, drumline and twirlers are held each spring / summer - click on the tab below for more detailed information.
Each member of the UAMB receives a $1,000 performance stipend for participation in the ensemble.
Feature Twirlers Color Guard Drum Line Known for its spirit and jazzy sound, the Blue & Gold Brass basketball band consists of approximately 40 members and performs for all men’s basketball games, both at home and for any tournament. Select members of this ensemble also perform for all women’s home and tournament games.
Membership is determined based on auditions held in mid-October each fall. Both bands are an integral part of the Zips “home-court advantage.”
Rehearsals for Blue & Gold Brass are held on Monday from 5:45 - 7:15 p.m. during the Spring Semester. For more information regarding auditions, contact the UA Band Office in late September to obtain more information. Members of the ensemble receive a "service award" of $300 for membership in each band for the season.