About the Department of Mathematics

   Department brochure   
Student groups   

We are

  • 24 professors and lecturers
  • 9 part-time instructors
  • 50 undergraduate majors

We offer, per semester

  • 25 different courses
  • 70 sections
  • 2000+ students

We receive

  • federal and state grants from agencies such as
    • the National Science Foundation
    • the National Institutes of Health
    • the Ohio Department of Education
    • Department of Defense
    • National Security Agency
    • and NASA

We publish

  • 25 papers per year, many of which have student co-authors in research areas such as
    • Mathematics of materials
    • Algebra and Number Theory
    • Bio-Mathematics
    • Interdisciplinary Modelling

We emphasize

  • Interdisciplinary team research
  • High quality teaching

A trefoil and its inverse, cancelling in the knot-concordance group.

Contact us

Request help

Department Phone
(330) 972-7400

Department Email
Email: math@uakron.edu

Mailing Address
Department of Mathematics
College of Engineering and Polymer Science
The University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325-4002

Department Chair
Dr. Linda Saliga
(330) 972-8002
Email: saliga@uakron.edu

Associate Department Chair
Dr. Curtis Clemons
(330) 972-8353
Email: cclemons@uakron.edu

Assistant to Department Chair
Melissa Gerber
(330) 972-7055
Email: mgerber@uakron.edu

Administrative Assistant
Ms. Dana Nickle-Rodriguez
(330) 972-4215
Email: dnickle@uakron.edu

Announcements for Spring 2024

Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023

  • RooFest: Aug. 27, 2023
  • Welcome meeting Sep 6, 2023: pizza, snacks and games!
  • Movie night, Sep 20, 2023: snacks and popcorn!
  • Research talk, Nov 8, 2023: Dr. Andreas Aristotelous: Title: "Modeling immune responses to biofilm and viral infections” Description: We introduce mathematical modeling frameworks to study microbial interactions and infections. Firstly, we present a model that captures the dynamics of biofilm volume fraction, oxygen concentration, and the diffusive spread of virulence factors, such as toxins. This model, studied both in 1D and 2D contexts, offers insights into the complex interplay between oxygen, toxins, neutrophils, and bacteria, highlighting scenarios leading to either infection elimination or its transformation into a chronic state. Secondly, we briefly present a lattice-based hybrid discrete continuum approach tailored for understanding SARS-CoV-2 exposure and infection progression within the human lung's alveolar region.
  • Jan 25, 2023: Speaker: Stefan Forcey. The topic is: Mysteries of the Mandelbrot set!
  • Feb 8, 2023: Movie night: The man who knew infinity.
  • Feb 23, 2023: Math Bingo.
  • March 14, 2023: Pi day celebration.
  • April 25, 2023: End of year dinner.
  • Fall picnic: Sand Run metro park Mingo Lodge, Oct. 21.
  • SIAM meeting Oct. 6: Dr. Pat Wilber.
    Title: Relaxed Moire Patterns in Bilayer Graphene
    Abstract: In this talk, I will start by explaining what graphene is and why graphene is interesting from the point of view of materials science. I will also explain what a moire pattern is. I will then introduce the idea of a relaxed moire pattern in a bilayer of graphene. To understand relaxed moire patterns, some of the basic mechanics of interacting graphene layers will be discussed. Finally, I will talk about a research problem I worked on recently that is motivated by explaining and predicting relaxed moire patterns in bilayer graphene.
  • Sept 15 SIAM meeting: Dr. Dane Quinn, on Population models.

Spring 2021

  • Dr. Alex Hoover of UA Math who will present a live virtual talk on " The Emergence of Neuromechanical Wave Resonance in Jellyfish Swimming.” A brief abstract is provided below. Please join us. Use the link in the calendar to access the presentation.

    IB and Biology Colloquium
    Abstract: In order for an organism to have a robust mode of locomotion, their neuromuscular organization must be adaptable in a changing environment. In jellyfish, the activation and release of muscular tension is governed by the interaction of pacemakers with the underlying motor nerve net that communicates with the musculature. This set of equally-spaced pacemakers, located at bell rim, alter their firing frequency in response to environmental cues, forming a distributed mechanism to control the bell's muscular contraction. In this talk, we explore the control of medusan neuromuscular activation in with a model jellyfish bell immersed in a viscous fluid and use numerical simulations to describe the interplay between active muscle contraction, passive body elasticity, and fluid forces. This model is then used to explore the interplay between the speed of neuromechanical activation, fluid dynamics, and the material properties of the bell, and we use it to discover the presence of an entirely new phenomena known of neuromechanical wave resonance, which has many potential applications for the actuation soft-body robotics and tissue-engineered pumps.
  • Dr. Lingxing Yao, assistant professor of mathematics, UA. The title and talk abstract are below, and the seminar will begin at 245p. You will be able to join the meeting as early as 230p.
    • A model system and its simulations for cell migration
    • In this presentation, we introduce a mathematical model system for cell dynamics, which includes cell membrane, transmembrane osmotic water flow, actomyosin network polymerization/depolymerization. The features of the model can be organized into three main modules: 1) An osmotically active solute obeys an advection-diffusion equation in a region demarcated by a deformable membrane. 2) The interfacial membrane allows transmembrane water flow which is determined by osmotic and mechanical pressure differences across the membrane. 3) An actin network is constantly undergoing polymerization/depolymerization (with or without myosin contraction) and interacting with the cell membrane. To numerically compute solutions of the model, we also develop a numerical framework, which is based on an immersed boundary method for fluid-structure interaction and a Cartesian grid embedded boundary method for the solute and actomyosin network. Using the model system, we can explore different mechanisms and key biological factors that drive cell migration. We will demonstrate the model system with biological studies in cells, including migrations driven in different physiological conditions and the energy expenditure in migrations.
    • The work on developing model equations and numerical method is in collaboration with Dr. Yoichiro Mori at the U. Penn. The modeling and applications in cell migrations are joint work with Dr. Yizeng Li (at Kennesaw State), Dr. Yoichiro Mori, and Dr. Sean Sun (at Johns Hopkins).

    Fall 2019

    • Nov. 14, 2019, 4:15 in CAS 139. Buckling Problems Motivated by Bilayer Graphene and other Layered Materials, a talk from Dr. Pat Wilber.
    • Oct. 21, 2019, 4:15 in CAS 139. Using five dimensions to identify a first cousin once removed: Phylogenetic Polytopes, a talk from Dr. Stefan Forcey.
    • Sept. 19, 2019, 4:15pm in CAS 139. From Nerve Net to Vortex Ring: A Computational Modeling Approach to Medusan Biomechanics, a talk from Dr. Alex Hoover.
    • The fall picnic was held Friday, October 11, 2019, 5:30 pm: The annual fall picnic at Sand Run Park Mingo Lodge (map) was hosted by the math student groups: PME, WIM and SIAM.
    • Tutoring Hours TBA in the CAS second floor atrium (turn left after exiting the elevator).  For students of Algebra for Calculus, Precalculus, Calculus with Business Applications, Calculus I, II and III

    Spring 2019

    • April 5 and 6, 2019. We hosted the Spring Meeting of the Ohio Section of the Mathematical Association of America. Starting 1:15pm Friday April 5. For schedule and locations of talks and events, see the conference page.
    • Representatives from Search Discovery, a data analytics consulting agency, will be on campus this Friday 4/5/2019 to give a presentation entitled
      "Intro to Data Analytics & Marketing Consulting: Academia to Industry."
      Learn about applying your education to analytics and marketing in the real world.
      The presentation will be given by
      Andrew Ash, Data Engineer Rachel Starvaggi, Digital Marketing Analyst Alex Fitzpatrick, Digital Marketing Analyst Julie Shallman, Analytics Analyst
      The presentation will be held in CAS142 on Friday April 5th 2019 from 11-12.
    • Thanks for a great 2019 Mathematics Banquet, hosted by the student organizations WIM, SIAM and PME, at 6:00 pm on the evening of Friday, April 26th, 2019 in room A of the Quaker Plaza. All are invited!
    • Colloquium: Scott Schueller will speak on "Careers as a Quantitative Analyst: Math + Stats + Coding + Finance = Quant."
      Friday, March 8, 2019
      11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
      CAS room 134
    • Engineering Talk: Thursday 3/7/2019 3pm-4 ASEC 122
      Carianne Martinez
      "Machine Learning Applications at Sandia National Laboratories"
    • Research Talk: Thursday 3/7/2019 3:45pm-4:45 CAS 135
      Hung Nguyen
      "From Symmetry to Group Theory and Representation Theory"

Why Mathematics?

Math is everywhere—it is used to describe the world around us!

Mathematicians reach realistic solutions using abstract tools. We can create mathematical models at any scale — electrons, ecosystems, or economies. We can design new molecules for medicines and materials. We can optimize for efficient communication and secure networking. We can decode a genome and decipher its history. We can discover the best environmental and financial options for the future.

Doing mathematics is interesting, exciting, and fulfilling. Solving a challenging problem and knowing you have the right answer is a truly rewarding experience! The study of Applied Mathematics teaches you how to analyze complex problems so you can obtain meaningful solutions.

But what can you do with a degree in Applied Math?

The strong analytical skills you develop by studying Mathematics are an invaluable asset no matter what career path you ultimately pursue. Mathematics is the foundation of all the natural sciences. Mathematics is central to many of today’s most exciting fields, like data analytics, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, computational science, and more.

We offer some of the most valuable College majors. With a degree in mathematics or applied mathematics you will be in high demand in virtually any field— in the public, academic and industrial sectors. Math majors have all the skills employers want!

Applied mathematicians use mathematics to solve problems in science and engineering. Theoretical mathematicians explore beyond the physical models. We create new mathematics by uncovering logical structures, geometries, patterns and symmetries.

Did You Know? Applied Math career

Why study Applied Math at The University of Akron?

The University of Akron has a reputation for excellence in applied sciences and engineering. The mathematics department builds on this tradition and focuses on a modern and practical approach to mathematics, combining theory and application with strong flavor on applied interdisciplinary mathematics.

  • Our faculty are active researchers and also are great educators .
  • Our program is flexible and allows you to pick upper-level electives in an area outside of Math but requiring the application of Math. So, you can tailor our program to your interests and career plans. Our classes are small, so you get to know the faculty and we get to know you.

What do we offer?

At the University of Akron, we offer BS and MS degrees in Applied Mathematics.

Where do our students go after graduation?

The Math Department has a strong track record of getting undergraduates involved in faculty research. Our graduates have gone on to great success in industry, government, and academia.

Why the University of Akron?

So, if you are interested in math and how it can be used to solve current and future challenges, come join us and together we will rise!

Math Department History

Historical account of the UA mathematics department, prepared by J. Palagallo.

Credits: M101 and Typhoon Rammasun [NASA, via astronet], Mandelbrot zoom [W. Beyer, via wikimedia].